Exclusivemusicplus » 91-03-driving [Free MIDI File] facebook youtube pinterest twitter reddit whatsapp instagram cart Play Pause folder download

91-03-driving is part of the GeoCities MIDI files packaged by ArchiveTeam, I have converted the file to a separate MP3 so you can preview it, additionally, you can download the MIDI file itself, or the MP3 File.

Note: While this is free, some MIDI files are copyrighted songs, so use at your own risk

Intro 1st Verse 1st Bridge 2nd Verse 1st Chorus Fast Guitar Verse 2nd Chorus Brdg B 2nd Bridge 3rd Verse 3rd Chorus Fast Bridge 1st B Verse 2nd B Verse 3rd Bridge 4th Chorus Warm Pad--Main Melody Fretless Bass Bass (1 Octave Lower) Choir Aahs (Chor Melody) 12 String Acoustic Distorted Guitar Guitar Echo (Dist) Guitar Echo #2 (Dist) Organ-Fast Guitar Verse Lead Vox-Accordian Back Vox-Accordian Electric Grand Piano Beat Box-Roland TR808 Bass Drum Snare Toms Hi-Hat Crash Cymbals Ride Cymbal Steam (Rev Cymbal) Bright Pad Chimes Program Change (#17) for Drums