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Massive Vst Specification, Review, Features And Price

Massive is a software synthesizer plugin Vst own by NI(Native Instrument), It is base on a wavetable Synthesis that utilizes oscillators for the creation of sound and it is mostly used in electronic music, it is intended for the production of bass and lead sounds.

Ni Massive Feature Details

Massive Vst image

Massive is no doubt a hybrid digital synthesizer which uses three wave oscillators to reproduce its sound.

The oscillators have separate controls for wave shaping(saw, square, etc.), pitch and wavetable position.

Massive includes 85 powerful wavetables, each one with a unique combination of waveforms and distinct sonic characteristics.

Filter Section

Ni Massive is so compelling to the extent that it uses some algorithm in a subtractive synthesis. Learn more about subtractive synthesis.

A subtractive synthesis filters some part of the audio signal and retains the rest for the desired sound you want.

Massive feature the placement of two insert effects at various places with the signal flow. You can also take the signal at any point and even route it back from the initial position.

Modulation Section

Ever wanted to take your sound creation to the next level? Massive got the great features, which can further enhance your sound design, let's quickly unbox the modulation section.

Massive features several kinds of excellent modulation sources.

Ability to assign multiple parameters to a single macro control and more advanced features included in the tool.

Multiple Voices

Massive is also capable of triggering several voices at once.

Global Control

The global controls come into play where it affects the overall characteristics of a synthesizer sounds, such as pitch bend, note sliding, and more control.

Ni added the function which allows a variety of parameters to be adjusted.

A conventional synthesizer allows adjustment of glide time between pitches when a legato is played.

Massive took a bolder step by enabling the pitch bend range on the phase of each oscillator to be adjusted, and this is a great feature for people who want to advance their sound design skills.

Massive Specification

Massive Library image
Massive comes loaded to with over 1300 production-ready sounds, including sounds and preset from older products 'Massive Expansion' 1 and 2, 'Urban Arsenal' 1 and 2 and other Massive sounds.

Massive library function is also user-friendly and processes faster when navigating library sounds.


Mac OS X 10.10, 10.11 or macOS 10.12 (latest update),Intel Core 2 Duo.

Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (latest service pack, 32/64-bit) Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 x2.

Mac OS x in 64bit only: Stand-alone/VST, AU/AAX.
Windows (32/64-bit): Stand-alone/VST/AAX.

More at Native instrument


Massive comes with a price tag of $149.00 and $199.00 included with Komplete 11 select bundle (11 products).

All the best,
Team Horlae.

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