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Plusdistortion (Free Op-amp Overdrive Plugin)

Plusdistortion is a plugin by Distorque Audio, in collaboration with Jorge Gómez for most of the skin elements.

The Plusdistortion plug-in is an emulation of an MXR Distortion+. It has a wide range of distortion sounds from a little bit of dirt to a giant fuzz/crunch tone. It emulates the germanium diode clipping used in the Distortion+, as well as the lo-fi op-amp, and just about every other aspect of the circuit. Many parts of the effect are also tweakable, so you can craft your own D+ based distortion.


  • Input level - This is a volume control on the input of the effect. You can adjust this to compensate for different pickups, different input levels, etc.
  • Oversampling - This turns 2x oversampling on and off.
  • Input Type - 'Pickup' adds a resonant low-pass filter on the input to emulate the interaction between the 1nF cap on the input and a guitar pickup. 'Buffered' removes this filter.
  • Op Amp Clipping - This controls the amount of distortion contributed by the emulated op-amp.
  • Diode Clipping - This controls the hardness of the distortion from the emulated diodes.
  • High Cut - This reduces high frequencies on the output. Many distortions use controls like this to reduce harshness.
  • Low Cut - This reduces low frequencies on the input. Many distortions use controls like this to reduce muddiness and increase clarity.

System Requirements:

  • PC and VST only.

Download Plusdistortion

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