Exclusivemusicplus » 56a [Free MIDI File] facebook youtube pinterest twitter reddit whatsapp instagram cart Play Pause folder download

56a is part of the GeoCities MIDI files packaged by ArchiveTeam, I have converted the file to a separate MP3 so you can preview it, additionally, you can download the MIDI file itself, or the MP3 File.

Note: While this is free, some MIDI files are copyrighted songs, so use at your own risk

\\Well I'm the type of guy /that'll ne ver set tle down. \\Where pret ty girls are /well you know that I'm a round. \\I kiss 'em and I hug 'em /'cause to me they're all the same. \\I hug 'em and I squeeze 'em. /They don't e ven know my name. \\They call me the Wan der er yeah the Wan der er /I roam a round. \\Well there's Flo rence on my left /and there's Ma ry on my right. \\And Ja nie is the one yeah /I'll be with to night. \\And when she asks me /which one I love the best \\I tear o pen my shirt /I got Ro sie on my chest. \\'Cause I'm the Wan der er yeah the Wan der er /I roam a round. \\Oh well I roam from town to town. /I go through life with out care. \\And I'm as hap py as a clown /with my two fists of i ron and I'm go ing no where. \\Well I'm the type of guy /who likes to roam a round. \\I'm ne ver in one place. /I roam from town to town. \\And when I find my self a -fal ling' for some girl. /I hop right in to that car of mine /and ride a round the world. \\'Cause I'm the Wan der er yeah the Wan der er /I roam a round. \\Oh well I roam from town to town. /I go through life with out care. \\And I'm as hap py as a clown /with my two fists of i ron and I'm go ing no where. \\Well I'm the type of guy /who likes to roam a round. \\I'm ne ver in one place. /I roam from town to town. \\And when I find my self a -fal ling' for some girl. /I hop right in to that car of mine /and ride a round the world. \\'Cause I'm the Wan der er yeah the Wan der er /I roam a round. \\Yeah I'm the Wan der er yeah the Wan der er /I roam a round. \\Yeah I'm the Wan der er yeah the Wan der er /I roam a round. \\Yeah I'm the Wan der er yeah the Wan der er /I roam a round.